How to Install a Home Security System: Tips and Guidelines

by aeadmincs4 | Feb 08, 2022

Crime rates are constantly fluctuating in the country. Other times it’s at an all-time high, while there are also times when it’s considerably low. One thing is certain, however. Crimes happen especially when you least expect them. Do you really want to take the risk of not getting your property secured first? Is there any value to learning how to install security systems in your own home?

All these questions might have riddled your mind already. Traditional home alarm systems used to take a professional team to be set up around someone’s property, but with the advent of new technologies, doing this task is becoming easier and easier. In this article, we aim to give you a comprehensive guide on how to install a home security system if you want to do it yourself.

Are home security systems worth it?

Home security systems are meant to protect your assets and other valuables from burglars and other kinds of offenders. Installing them are less about the price of the system, but more the cost of the valuables that will be lost without the system. So, if you possess something that you truly care about, perhaps you should seriously consider installing a reliable security system.

Aside from the preservation and protection of valuable assets, home security systems are also useful to back up your insurance claims in cases of natural disasters, fires, theft, and others. You can present this evidence to have a smoother claim to your insurance.

The answer will always depend on you. But if continuing without home security systems leaves you feeling vulnerable, then you probably are. The good news is that you don’t have to break the bank to make sure you have a reliable system inside your homes. You just need a good do-it-yourself guide like this one. The first step goes as follows.

Know the key components

Different companies typically offer different sorts of security packages that range from the most basic system to the more advanced ones. In attempting to properly pull of a DIY home security system, you will have to know the key components that make up a basic system and start to work from there.

For instance, buying individual components instead of whole packages can allow you to fully customise your home set-up to meet your needs and requirements. If you are planning to go this route, you can start with the following key components:

Main Panel with Keypad

The main panel and keypad are the central part of your home security system. The keypad is essential since you will be needing this to activate and deactivate the system, while the panel is where the magic happens. Without these two, your security system won’t even be a system at all.

From this small central part, you can communicate to the rest of your home system wherever they are in your house. If you have a more advanced panel, you can even do things like program your alarm settings and personalise them to your preferences.


Thanks to the power of modern-day technology, sensors are now accessible to any household. These sensors must be strategically placed in various parts of the house like windows, doors, and any other part that might be vulnerable to unwelcomed entry. The bigger your house, the more sensors you might need. This also depends on how secure you want your house to be.

Motion detectors nowadays are often paired with security cameras which start recording as soon as the motion detectors get activated by movement. Some motion detectors come bare, which is perfect for those on a tight budget. These motion detectors work as it is—to simply detect motion and send alerts as soon as it does. 

If you can stretch your budget, we do highly suggest getting the former since it is more secure, plus you can watch the video in real-time from your own phone or other internet-connected device.

Get familiar with the basic principles

Here are some of the basic steps that you can do once you get your hands on the key components we’ve listed above. You can also experiment and mix it up to your preference, but we suggest you stick with the basics until you are absolutely ready for the next step.

Go for wireless security panels.

Whenever you’re choosing security panels, remember to choose wireless ones. Install them near primary entry doors and they must be placed close to a power source. The only things you will need in installing your home security panel are small nails and a hammer. There are also security panels that can easily be installed using double-sided adhesives.

Be strategic with the sensors and detectors.

The most basic areas to cover are windows and doors, but some homes might have other openings that are vulnerable point of entries. These include patios, balconies, sunroof, and others. Make sure to examine your house or apartment thoroughly before placing the sensors and detectors. Remember, you need the most coverage to maximise your home security system.

Run a test.

Once everything is in place, you don’t have to wait for an actual robbery to know that your system works. You can test the system yourself. Testing procedures usually come in the owner’s manual of the security system, so make sure to follow the directions written there. You can also ask for the help of a security team to take a quick look at your system.

When all else fails, ask for help

We understand that DIY home security systems might not be the solution for everyone. Properties that hold a lot of valuable assets cannot be properly protected by a DIY system. When you find yourself in a position where some aspects of security fortification seem out of your depth, never be afraid to ask for help. You might be surprised.

A lot of companies are offering affordable home security system services that you can avail of at any given day. Companies like Atomic Alarms offer consultation services that can target your needs for rates that will not break the bank. When the installation and testing part faze you, then call on them for support.

Knowing how to install security systems is one, knowing when to ask for professional help is another.

Contact a Reliable Home Security System Provider

There’s no harm in knowing a lot more about how to install security systems. There’s also no harm in working with security systems providers. Check out the products in Atomic Alarms today. You may also contact them to learn more about home security systems in Sydney and other areas in the country.